Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Reflection #7

I work at a private Elementary School called Eton as a child care provider. I am with 3-6 year olds for 9 hours a week. Yesterday at work while I was reading a story to the class, a 5 year old named Jaime said "Oh I have this book on my ipad." My first thought when I heard this was, wow this girl is spoiled! Then I thought about how well of reader Jaime was and maybe that's because she has apps, reading games and books she can read on her ipad. It's crazy how times are changing and how kids are learning with technology.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angie,
    You made a really good point in this reflection. I also have tended to assume that when young children have iPads, they are spoiled and are wasting their time playing video games instead of interacting with the world around them. However, like you said, iPads are a great learning tool for young students.
