Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week #7- 10/9

Blogs for Educators

     After looking and reading about different educational blogs, I realized that using technology is helpful in so many ways when learning math. I love the idea that on a student blog, students are able to write down reflections about what they learned or what they are still confused about in math. This allows the teacher to know where her students stand or what they need to do to improve their teaching. Also, having various math problems that the students can solve for extra practice, just as Monica did on her student blog, is a great idea.I am sure that for the new generation learning and doing math on the computer is most efficient.
     I was really inspired by the Zeno group that started with the intention of making math fun and exciting because parents getting involved in students school lives is what every teacher wants. Having support and concern about learning is so helpful because teachers wont have to solely rely on themselves to reach the student. I was impressed that the group has expanded so much and glad that it has had such a positive impact.

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