Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week #9- 10/23

Caught on Video- By reading this article, I learned that videos in the classroom can be extremely useful. You can use a video camera to capture moments that cannot be captured with pictures or books. The author was very creative in the different ways of recording students and using the video camera in great ways. Some of my favorite ways mentioned were; filming each student on the first day of school asking them for their goals and exceptions for the year and watch it later to see if they accomplished their goals, have students watch their homework, recording lessons for absent students, allow students to create the "greatest hits" of the year for an individual digital project, and recording and emailing students work to parents. These are great ways to use a video camera because like it was said in the article, "Our students have grown up in a video world. It is a medium they are naturally drawn to and comfortable with. In this Age of YouTube we can make learning more engaging and compelling by including video in our classrooms." Also, using videos to watch homework can help the students if they missed or didn't understand it class. Recording lessons for students who are absent is awesome because the student can catch up with the class and the teacher does not have to explain what was missed. All of these ways can be so effective and and a positive impact on the students learning.

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