Sunday, October 7, 2012

Reflection #2

Today I went to the Apple Store in Bellevue Mall and I noticed a young boy, around the age 4,glued to an ipad. His parents were customers and I watched this boy as his parents were getting help with their phone problem. He seemed so into what he was doing that nothing around him mattered. When his parents were done,they tapped him to go but he payed no attention. The dad grabbed his shoulder and gently pulled him away from the ipad. Then the boy got mad and threw a tantrum because he did not want to let go of the ipad. As I watched this I thought of all the parents who buy their 4 year olds ipads just because they don't want to deal with the tantrum or bad behaviors. Is that really the right thing to do? I don't think so...


  1. I agree that parents are totally letting their children have technology way too early. I see 10 year olds with iPhones! Technology is a great tool but if it becomes an obsession, like Tootsie said, the point of technology is being missed.

  2. I used to nanny for a family who had DVD players in both of their cars and anytime they went somewhere, they turned a movie on for the kids. They became so attached to it that they would throw a fit anytime I didn't put one on for them; even if we were just going for a short drive and it would take longer to start a movie than it would to get there. I think kids can definitely become too obsessed with technology and parents need to be wise when deciding where to draw the line.
