Thursday, October 11, 2012

Reflection #5

Ever since we made our stories in class, I have shared it with three people because I just love it so much. I think Storybird is AWESOME! Especially to use it in our future classes with our students. Monica is definitely giving us so many neat ideas and I am so anxious to use them in our real classrooms. I want to learn about more sites and cool things like Animoto and Storybird. I will probably browse a little more and see what I find. How is everyone liking these cool activities?


  1. We've looked at some great stuff so far! Animoto and Storybird are both really cool I've been showing them to people too! It's really nice to have resources like this to jumpstart my creativity, because I'm not the most creative person. However, I'm still having some trouble thinking of how I could use some of this stuff in a high school math classroom.

  2. Although I agree with Kendra and am having trouble finding ways to implement storybird into my Physical education classes, i do see a possible application within my health classroom. Many of these activities are pushing me and requiring me to step out of my military mindset and I really appreciate that opportunity! Keep up the great work Angie, after watching your presentations there is no doubt in our minds that you are going to be an amazing elementary teacher!
