Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week #2- 9/4

Sir Ken Robinson Response

         I think Robinson made some very good points and brought up important topics in education. First, he talked about people having a passion for what they do. He said some people do their job to get by and others do it because they love it.  One line that stuck out to me is when he said the reason people love their job is because it is who they are. That is what I believe teachers should be. Personally, I want to become a teacher because I know that is who I am. The talents God has given me allow me to connect, teach, love on people and I know that when I do my job, I will love it not only because I enjoy it but because it is who I am. Also, the quote by Abe Lincoln was very good. I loved the part about not rising to it but with it because it reminds me of a quote I once heard; we never rise to victory, we rise with victory on our side because Jesus is with us. In this case, we are reminded that we are not alone rising to difficulty but together and in unity.
         I believe that technology in education is very important because students can learn with more resources and can learn with more understanding to their fast growing culture. It is important for schools to be “up to date” with technology because students will understand better if the outside world is brought inside the “education world”.

- Angie Garza

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your thoughts on how important passion is in teaching and the value of loving what you do. I also love the quote about victory you have in here.
