Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week #3- 9/11

Digital Natives Digital Immigrants Response

            I totally agree with Prensky and his view on new technology. I believe that in order to teach successfully, teachers need to be at the same pace and level of technology as students. If that is not the case, students will not learn to their best potential because there is a language barrier, the language of technology.

            I love the terms digital natives and digital immigrants because it makes so much sense to me. I know so many older people who ask their kids to do everything for them when it comes to technology but why is it like that? I think it is much easier to learn the new ways and do it on your own rather than having something do everything for you. Teachers especially, need to be up to date with where students are because they will be more successful at connecting with their students if they speak the same language. I think its amazing how the younger generation is ahead of the present one. I am excited to see where education would stand when all the younger generation becomes old and takes over .  

-Angie Garza

1 comment:

  1. I like what you said about the young people knowing so much more about technology that the older generation. It's so true! This fact intimidates me a little though, because I see technology advancing way faster than I can keep up with, and I know it will keep increasing at this pace, if not faster. Although technology will definitely help us in teaching, it will always be a struggle to keep up with our students and their grasp of current technological progress.
