Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week #1- 8/28

         Teaching and Technology

         Ever since I was a little girl, I loved to play pretend school with my cousins. I would be the teacher, of course, and we would sit for hours doing fake assignments, playing games and handing out prizes. I have always loved helping people learn something new and helping them realize the potential they have to accomplish things. I have always been drawn to kids, whether I am in a grocery store, church or school I always seem to find myself talking to little kids. I have a passion for them and it brings joy to my soul when a kid smiles because they have learned something new. I have been involved with many children activities in schools and churches and my passion for kids has continued to grow. I am very excited to be in the Education Program at NU because I am anxious to put my passion to a good use.
         Considering technology, I grew up in a small town called Othello where technology resources in school were not a priority. Eventually, in my middle school years, I was introduced to the Elmo and in high school the smart board. I do not know how to run those really well but I have some experience with them. I am willing to learn what ever is out there concerning technology in education and also technology in general. I know this class is going to be a great learning tool for my future.  

-Angie Garza

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