Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week #4- 9/18

My experience with the SMART Board 

        I learned many things about the SMART board in class. I did not know that you could type something on the computer and it shows on the board. That is really amazing because it does not take much time to type something compared to writing it with the marker. I also learned small things like what certain buttons mean. For example, I learned  that the blue button with the screen on it means full scree or slide show. There was also cool things I learned like how to drag words onto a diagram or pull an object to reveal text or something hidden. I find the SMART board very fascinating and very useful. I know I will continue to learn more things and become familiar with the new technology. I have no questions right now but if I do I know who to ask!

-Angie Garza

1 comment:

  1. Hey Angie,

    I too was not very familiar with using the SMART board. I liked how it is very user friendly. It is nice how you can use the screen to work off of or else use the computer. I think the smart board can really enhance a student's learning. Technology is important and essential for student's and I am glad the smart board exists. Thank you for your post!
