Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week #12- 11/13

      The article I read was about was called “How to Teach Subtraction Using Marzano Strategies.” It talked about how students can use different things, including technology to help them learn subtraction better. There was five steps he suggests but I will only mention two. I learned that the first one I liked was providing manipulative to students. This could be cubes, computer math programs, or anything you can think of. Personally, I like the computer idea because it incorporates technology. The second one was having the students provide feedback to the teacher through either the class blog or on a paper. This would help me know if my students are understanding subtraction. For my future teaching, I will try to use these steps because I believe they are important when students are learning. 

1 comment:

  1. I took a year off of school and got a job as an Instructional Assistant where I worked with a boy in the first grade who has Cerebral Palsy. Subtraction was a hard concept for him to grasp, but when we started using manipulatives it suddenly "clicked" for him. He needed that tactile part of learning to help him get it, plus he has a lot of vision problems so we used little colored stones that were easy for him to see.
