Thursday, November 29, 2012

Reflection #10

In class on Tuesday, Monica brought up how laptops are becoming old and tablets are taking over. Personally, I love my laptop and I cant imagine writing papers on anything else other than a computer with a key board. Don't get me wrong, I think Ipads are awesome but I wonder if tablets will eventually take over and computers will become extinct. In schools, that be totally different to how I grew up. I guess as future teachers we need to adjust to the changes in technology for the better.

Comments- Part 2

Kendra Cotton -

Sigrid Thoreson-

Amanda Downs-

Sarah Stoker-

Leticia Vasquez-

Trey Botten-

Alyssa Sitzler-

Whitney Wright-

Bethany Lowe-


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week #14- 11/27

            The article I read was called, Envisioning the Future of Education Technology. In this article there were six main categories about the future of technology in education. The first one was called digitized classrooms. This would include electronic screens, tablets, interactive white boards, desk sized screens, knowledge maps and much more. The second one was called gamification which included student developed apps, educational programming tools, self-paced learning and a few more. The third one was opening of information and it had video lessons, online school communities, digitization of books and flipped classroom. The next one was called disintermediation, which included mobile learning platforms, telepresence, allocated lessons and much more. Tangible computing was the fifth one and it included reactive materials, 3D printers, digitally intermediated field trips, and reactive furniture. The last one was virtual physical audios which included eyewear/HUDs, retinal screens, holography, immersive virtual reality and a few others.
            After reading through these future plans for education and technology, I am a bit in awe. I cannot imagine having tools like holography or digital books in a classroom. I am really excited for the future because I know it holds great, new opportunities for students to learn. 

Reflection #9

Yesterday in my Instructional Design class, I taught a 20 minuet lesson. Throughout the lesson I was able to use technology, powerpoint, and I think it went very well. However, I was not prepared for what happened when the students were supposed to research on the Internet. I provided them with a reliable source but most students didn't have internet, so I was stuck. Right away my teacher, Mrs. Garrett, suggested that they go out in the hall and reach internet there. I am thankful for her help because I was not prepared for a backup plan. All students were able to use the internet and everything turned out fine. Through this experience, I realized that a backup plan is always necessary and I must be prepared for anything.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week #13- 11/20

  • I use Word on a daily basis to take notes in all of my classes. This has been very helpful because it keeps me orginized and consistant. 
  • I use Power Point when ever I am making a presentation for classes. I also use it in church for the  kids choir to learn songs. 
  • I use Excel only to keep track of my hours for East Side Tutors. 
In my future class students could use Word to type essays out and make tabels or charts. Power Points are very useful for students to present projects I have assigned to them in a neat and professional manner. Excel can be used to help keep track of the students money spent by making orginzed charts and finding the correct calculations.  I may assign projects where students are assigned to do this. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week #12- 11/13

      The article I read was about was called “How to Teach Subtraction Using Marzano Strategies.” It talked about how students can use different things, including technology to help them learn subtraction better. There was five steps he suggests but I will only mention two. I learned that the first one I liked was providing manipulative to students. This could be cubes, computer math programs, or anything you can think of. Personally, I like the computer idea because it incorporates technology. The second one was having the students provide feedback to the teacher through either the class blog or on a paper. This would help me know if my students are understanding subtraction. For my future teaching, I will try to use these steps because I believe they are important when students are learning. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Reflection #8

Mini Ipads? Wow when I fist saw one of these, it was pretty cool. Seeing a mini ipad made me think about how soon technonlgy advances. As soon as something seems cool or is really new and everyone seems to have it, a better version is produced. This made me wonder, will technology ever stop advanceing? I think the answer is no. There will always be something that can be improved or better than before. It is just a matter of time. What are your thoughts on this?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Week #11- 11/6

My comment-

This blog was called Challenge Yourself and I learned that it is important to share about our passions. Specifically, I read a post on a passion for gardening. It was inspiring to see how in depth this woman was about her passion. My comment was prettty simple and basic but I did ask a question that I think could help other people who are reading this blog. I asked how Challenge Yourself all began. This way, other readers can see that comment and know instead of asking again.