Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week #16- 12/11

End of Semester Reflection-

I have honestly learned so much in this class. I was so unaware of all the technology tools that can be used in education. I was really unaware about how young kids are when they know a lot about technology. I learned how to use educational technology tools I can use in my future classroom like flipsnack, vocaroo, storybird, google earth, Animoto, glogster and many more. These tools can help me have a variety in my class and also allow my students to learn in different ways and be creative. I absolutely loved when we learned about google earth because I had NO IDEA that was possible! I am definitely using that in the future and hope to use it successfully. I also enjoyed talking about digital citizenship because I didn't realize how much potential danger is out there when using technology. We have to be very careful with our students when we assign assignments using the internet and such. Overall, this course has been extremely impactful and I will never forget the things I have learned because I will apply them to my future teaching career.

Throughout the semester I have made progress in some of the NETS. Specifically, I noticed that I have worked collaboratively with classmates using digital media, reasearched certain topics and presented what I learned. I have also applied digital tools to gather information, and have complete understanding about technology concepts, systems and operations.

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