Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Reflection #12

At work, Eton school, I overheard some 3 and 4 year old students talking on the way back from recess about how excited they are to design their own apps. This reminded me of the time we learned about this in class. They were legitimately talking about the tools and how long it would take and what was crazy to me was the excitement I heard in their voice. I started to think, wow what if these 3 year olds really do design apps. Imagine when their 15 or 30 what they will be designing then?

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is amazing that 3 year olds even know how to use an app, let alone how to design their own. This goes to show that even in preschools teachers should be designing lessons and activities that ingtegrate technology. If students have not been exposed to age appropriate technology then when they get to kindergarden or 1st grade they will already be behing their peers.
